Saturday, February 21, 2009

No loitering

A)Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform because as their principal said that coral secondary places much emphasis on inculcating in our students good habits like using time prudently.So it is in their interest not to loiter in the malls afterschooL but only the library is not on the list of forbidden places.

B)Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.

I certainly not agree and agree with this rule.I agree to this rule because many of the students like to loiter around the malls and make bad behavior in their uniforms.I do not agree to this rule because some of the students wanted to buy food outside but they are not allow to do so and this may affect their health.As one of the secondary three said that some of them does not have lunch at home and the have to eat out,but they are not allowed to eat at White Sands.They are also not allowed to just go in there to buy food to take home with them.

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