Saturday, September 12, 2009

ST reflection term 3 week 9

1a) List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.

The two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help beacuse they are more familiar with the ones who they know than strangers.They revealed that they would rather not confide in strangers and also they think it is wimpy to call.

b) According to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?

Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens through more direct,effective means,such as educational workshops in schools,face-to-face counselling and home visits.

2) Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?

Yes.I usually share my problems with my family members because they know me well and probably help me with the problems that I'm facing.

Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)

No.I have never been betrayed by my friends before because we have trust in each other no matter what happens.

Monday, August 24, 2009

PM's 4 Basic Rules for religious harmony

1a)What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

The first rule is all group have to exercise tolerance and restraint.Secind rule is to keep religion separate from politics.Thirdly,government must remain secular.Lastly,maintain the common space that all Singaporeans share.

1b)In your opinion,how can we maintain a common space in schools?

In my opinion,Prayer,Bible classes or other religious activities must not be compulsory activities in mission schools in oreder to maintain a coomon space in schools.

2)Do you respect other religion?Why or Why not?What do you think of children who stay away from thier parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?

I respect other religion because we live in a multi-racial harmony.They will definetly feel unfair about the new religion and also felt sayd because i don't think they want to live far away with their pareants.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Elderly Falling Prey to 'volunteer' Ruse(trick)

1a)What is the modus operandi(methid of operating)of the con arstist?

Their modus operandiis to pose in most intances as a volunteer from welfare organisations on project to spruce up the homes of the senior citizens and once let into the homes,these "volunteer" help themselves mostly to their unsuspecting victims' cash.

1b)What are the Lion Befrienders planning to do to ensure the old folks do not get conned again?

The Lion Befrienders a voluntary welfare organisation which sends volunteers out to lonely senior citizens,has also alerted those under its charge about these scamster.

2)Do you like doing social work?Why or Why not?

I like doing social work because there is lot benefit doing such work.It also help us from not wasting our time doing nothing then do something which is good.It helps us to be more independent doing social work.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Deadly Business

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

The 1st worrying trend is that for drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine,the sentence is up to 20 years' jail and 15 strokes of the cane,while for the cannabis,heroin and cocaine,adults traffickers face the death penalty.Another worrying trend is that more Singaporeans are being arrested for drugs crimes overseas.

1b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

This is because Singaporeans do not need a visa for many places,and they are also less likely to be checked because of Singapore's reputation for being tough on drugs.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs?

If I find out that my classmate is selling drugs,i will contact the CNB without delay.Before hand,i will ask him why did he do it and if he knows what he is doing is wrong.And also tell him what are the risk and dangers if he did that.

How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

I will definitely say 'NO' to any drugs sellers and quickly walk away.

Hawkers fall prey to brazen break-ins.

1a) Why is it easy for burglars to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?

It is easy for the burglars to break into the stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area because the unit are open at the top,leaving them to exposed to thieves.

b) What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

The Geylang East Central Merchants' Association are going to look into improving security by modifying the stall layout and design.The NEA said the stall-holders who want to equip their stalls with additional security features like grilles could apply to do so.

2. What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets?What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?

I think the stall-holders should put on a security camera in other to be safe.This will affect the security of their own stall.I think the burglars will felt insecure about his/her safety after what they had done.He/she will feel guilty for what he/she had done wrong.

3 Cheers for the team

1a)Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

Cheerleading is an expensive sport because the quality of the costumes and it will attract the audience attraction to them.Their looks are on of the important role to cheer for the team and to look good especially with their hairs.They need to have lots of accessories such as hairspray and lots more.This affect the cost rate of it.In order to stay strong always,they need to have vitamins to build their muscles and cheer for their team.It will cost around $50-$130 per bottle.

1b)What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

Cheerleading need lots of co-operation and lots of energy to stay strong just to learn the dance steps.This will take weeks or even months just to learn the dance steps but it is not easy to learn.It is a tough sport because there will be training carried out every week or even every day after school.

2)What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/ why not?

In my opinion,if i had a chance to join cheerleading i will be honored to join.Cheerleading gives us lots of energy and it builds up muscles when we grow up.What matter most is the costumes to it.They should be more close for the Muslims.Most importantly study first then we can cheer for ourselves.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Minister questions plans to separate conjoined twins

Q1)What are some problems involved a conjoined twins?

The problems involved in separating a conjoined twins are some instances have to pick one twin to die to save the other.Even those who survive would often be left with brain damage.International studies have shown the chances of survival surgery for 40 pairs of twins joined at head as one twin would not survived the operation.

Q2)If you were a part of a conjoined twin,would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation?Why?

If i were a part of a conjoined twin,i would rather risk my lives to go for an operation because I know my other twin would be tired of doing her work and i know how much it hurts if we kept doing together and tried to do our own things but we can't.I hope that if i go for the operation,it would be successfully work.

Monday, April 13, 2009

ST Reflection term 2 week 4

Q1)What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?

The energy saving programme helps them to reduce business costs.Being a responsible company means living our values to enable us to serve food responsibility and work towards a sustainable future.

Q2)How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

Socially responsible is very important.I think it is still possible to make social impact during the recession because it can still helps us to slowdown some companies to step up on activities to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities.

ST Reflection term 2 week 3

Q1)What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment?

Some schools are asking their students to bring electricity bills from home to track their months-to-months energy use and teaching them to save energy.

Q2)Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the environment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

Yes,it will make a difference.I have save energy by switching off the lights when not in use,switching off the electrical appliances if not in use,do not waste water and watch television wisely to save electricity.

ST Reflection term 2 week 2

Q1)How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?

They have to first be assesed on factors that shape their likelihood to re-offend,such as how deviant their sexual habits are,their attitudes towards sex offences and their history.Those assesed to be at "moderate" at re-offending are put through thee programme.

Q2)Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society? State your reasons

Yes and No.They may have the second chance because they need to understand of reforming sex offenders and realised their mistakes and if they still do not understand,i think they do not deserve a second chance.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Man and beast face off in Sumatra (World Page A8) st reflection

Q1) What is illegal logging?

Illegal logging is believed to be driving tiger-human conflict on the Indonesian island of Sumatra which it could drive Sumatran tiger into extinction and it is also means the loss of habitat.

Q2) What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?

We can stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction by stop attacking or killing the endangered animals or some of the incidents occurred in the forest where their natural home should be protected.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ketamine ST Reflection week 9

Q1) What are the different forms of ketamine?

The different forms of ketamine is powder form,which users snort up their nostrils and tablets that are swallowed.

Q2) What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?

I'd try my best to advise him to stop taking it,telling him that he'd lose control of his life if he did.Ketamine has another name called vitamin K.In my opinion, it is not a vitamin,but a killer.If my friend succumbed to drugs,I'd get my friend to find help.I would also remind him about his family and friends.If he continued,i'd make him seek professional help.I would also ask him why,try and talk him into going for drug rehabilitation.But mostly,I'd try to talk him out of taking drugs before he even touched them.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Getting to the heart of Total Defence Reflection

Q1) In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”

The writer mean by suggesting that"he may have found more porcupines than rats?' means that they are not rats that scurry away at the sound of footsteps but they are porcupines that bristle to warm their aggressors away.

Q2) What’s worth giving up your life for?

Ideals worth defending is worth giving up my life.If anyone were to defend something with his/her life,it should be the ideals and principals that allow him to attam hs fullest potantial.My family first is also one of my worth giving up my life.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

No loitering

A)Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform because as their principal said that coral secondary places much emphasis on inculcating in our students good habits like using time prudently.So it is in their interest not to loiter in the malls afterschooL but only the library is not on the list of forbidden places.

B)Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.

I certainly not agree and agree with this rule.I agree to this rule because many of the students like to loiter around the malls and make bad behavior in their uniforms.I do not agree to this rule because some of the students wanted to buy food outside but they are not allow to do so and this may affect their health.As one of the secondary three said that some of them does not have lunch at home and the have to eat out,but they are not allowed to eat at White Sands.They are also not allowed to just go in there to buy food to take home with them.

master of one reflection

A)What was Jack Neo’s vocation when he was serving the nation?

Jack Neo had signed on with the army as an infantry officer and got posted to the army's Music and Drama Company.He did part-time acting,emceeing,singing and comedy skits on TV and live theatre and getai shows.

B)“Hard work leads to success.” To what extend do you agree with this statement?

I totally agree to this statement because without our hark work we would definitely failed to do something that we want and that is why it does not lead to success.For example:Jack Neo make movie for critics and want to make movies for people who cannot enjoy Hollywood movies.He shows give them a feeling that is closest to their hearts.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

203 Straits Times E-Forum Reflection

a)How did the teenagers trespass into Singapore Island Country Club?
I think the teenagers accidentally trespass into Singapore Island Country Club because at night, they were trying to find their way out of the forest when they wandered onto the golf course and there were no signs saying they could not be there.Suddenly a ball came whizzing and hit their friend's face and started to ask the golfer for an apology but the golfer ask them to leave but they refused to listen and kept repeating what he said in a hostile manner and that was when the golfer raise his voice and told them to go away once again then,one of them ran towards him to try to punch him.

b)Is underage drinking correct? Explain your answer.
Underage drinking are certainly wrong because they may lead bad health and easily get addicted.Underage drinking are also illegal because drinking have certain age to drink legally.For those who drink under 16 may be caught by the police and sentenced to jail that is due to the law.Now,the percentage of underage drinking are increasing maybe because they think drinking alcohol are 'cool',or maybe they are stress with their studies and that's why they drink or maybe due to the influence of their friend that is used to drink alcohol.
